Keeping the components within your computer case cool is imperative to how your system performs on a daily basis. A computer that overheats will give you a wealth of problems from shutting down expectedly to actually damaging the equipment, leaving you with a worthless computer that you have to spend money on to repair. Fan filter assemblies provide you with an opportunity to provide your computer components with the ventilation they need to perform at their best at all times. Items such as hard drives, graphic cards and motherboards all heat up as they operate and if you're working on your computer all day or night, you will soon feel the heat coming off the machine. The first tip you should take into consideration when it comes to computer case cooling is to ensure you buy a fan filter assembly that is bigger than required. Ideally buying a larger fan and allowing it to run at a slower speed will provide you with the same ventilation as a smaller fan running at optimum spee...