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Showing posts from June 5, 2015

Tips for Computer Case Cooling

Keeping the components within your computer case cool is imperative to how your system performs on a daily basis. A computer that overheats will give you a wealth of problems from shutting down expectedly to actually damaging the equipment, leaving you with a worthless computer that you have to spend money on to repair. Fan filter assemblies provide you with an opportunity to provide your computer components with the ventilation they need to perform at their best at all times. Items such as hard drives, graphic cards and motherboards all heat up as they operate and if you're working on your computer all day or night, you will soon feel the heat coming off the machine. The first tip you should take into consideration when it comes to computer case cooling is to ensure you buy a fan filter assembly that is bigger than required. Ideally buying a larger fan and allowing it to run at a slower speed will provide you with the same ventilation as a smaller fan running at optimum spee...

Learn to Draw With AutoCAD Training Courses

There are many different types of designs that every architect will be coming up with. They have a lot of different things that they have to be sure of when they are coming up with a special design. AutoCAD training courses are going to help them learn how to make the best drawings of their creations. These courses will cover many areas of these programs. The drawing is going to be the most important part of their job. Training is something that is going to be important for anyone that uses the AutoCAD programs . This is something that helps them design every aspect of a building or structure. Each structure will offer something different for their customers. Some of them will be designing homes while another architect will be designing huge office buildings. Buildings are not the only thing that can be designed with these though. There are several different types of structures, like bridges and more, that are going to be designed using these. Making sure that they are going to...

Why Your Company Needs Mobile Applications

It's hard to imagine that a little over 10 years ago, there were a number of companies that still didn't have websites. Many of them were practically fighting the trend. Nowadays, that would be unheard of. Any company that doesn't have an online presence is basically on life support, just waiting for a competitor to put them to rest. Unfortunately, many businesses are in the same boat at the moment as far as mobile applications go. In years to come, people will look back at organizations that didn't make it and point to the fact that they didn't embrace the mobile age. If your company is at risk for doing the same, now's the time to make a change. Mobile Means Access from Anywhere This probably won't come as any great surprise, but mobile applications make it possible to access the software from anywhere in the world. After all, that's why it's called mobile. It makes sense, then, that any of your Linux applications you can add mobile functio...

14 Items to Pay Close Attention to When Applying for the 8a Certification

If you have been thinking about submitting an 8(a) application to the SBA, the list below shows the items that you should carefully review BEFORE you submit your application. Once you submit your application, even a simple change will undergo much greater scrutiny by the SBA and will very likely result in delay of your approval or even denial of your application. 1. Firm Website a. Is the 51% owner of the firm listed at the highest position within the company? b. Does the website taut the skills and expertise of other members of the management team? c. Does the website have a different address than the address that is being used on the 8a application? d. Does the website present the firm in a professional manner? 2. Credit Report a. Have you pulled your personal credit report lately? b. The SBA will do so, they are mainly looking for undisclosed assets of the principle members. c. Do you have any judgements or leans against you, SBA will decline you if you do. 3. ...

All Together Now With Windows 10

"Imagine All the Devices Living in Peace". OK, so that's not quite how the John Lennon song goes, but it still underscores a major theme of the Windows 10 event in January Microsoft has recognized something that Apple has known for quite a long time... that people use MANY devices. From PC's to tablets to phones to TVs and... as our previous blog post mentioned... it's all connected to the internet. Microsoft has provided a new answer to the age-old question "how do I make this easier for the user?" The answer is scaling back. Currently, there are three versions of Windows 8 out there with Windows 8.1 for PC's, Windows RT for tablets, and Windows Phone for smartphones. Microsoft's first goal with Windows 10 is to have all of the aforementioned devices running the same type of operation system while improving the integration between the three versions starting with distinction between the PC and tablet. Microsoft is really making some headwa...

Best Way To Recover Your Hard Drive Files

You are welcomed to the ICT Magazin which is focused on almost everything about I.C.T. For today, I shall be discussing with you on how you can recover your hard drive files. No matter how advanced and efficient your hard drive seems to be, hard drive failure is inevitable. Seeing how human beings have become dependent on their hard drives to store their precious information, it is essential to retrieve these files and you can do so in just few simple steps. Diagnosing The first thing that you ought to do is to check the state of your hard drive. Is it still functioning? You might be able to save the data on the drive. If you have a second computer at home, you can hook the drive to that computer and try to run it from the second PC. Most of the time, it is perfectly fine and only the OS of the old computer might need a refresh or a reboot. On the other hand, if your files are not showing up on the other computer and you have tried it with other computers as well, then you m...

Why Is It Not Possible To Easily Recover Data On A Hard Drive That Is Overwritten?

Many people may think that data are missing and a professional can still perform Raid data recovery or hard disk recovery. In reality, the data has not been removed. A computer hard drive does not know how to locate the data. The information, which tells your computer where to locate the data, is missing. This is also the reason why the best professionals who perform laptop data recovery or hard disk data recovery cannot locate important files after a drive has been reformatted. How do professionals find information to perform hard disk recovery if you have not reformatted a drive and had it overwritten? These hard disk drives store information magnetically and do not require anyone monitoring the information on the drive. Those strings of data in eight 1's and 0's may look like gibberish, but a hard drive can use those 1's and 0's to keep stored data separate. Hard drives use magnetism to store Information Similar to a car battery, hard drives have magnets that...