Budget virtual reality headsets set to be hot Christmas gifts in 2015 If you've been excited about the possibility of virtual reality finally becoming available for games and entertainment but don't want to spend a fortune or wait for big companies like Oculus Rift, Samsung and HTC to release their headsets, then you'll probably be excited to learn that not one, but two new budget virtual reality headsets will be making their way to UK high streets this Christmas. First off, the Merge VR Googles is retailing at Game stores around the country and online for £49.99 ($76.97) from 30 October. The Merge VR is a purple foam headset that works with most Android and iOS smartphones and can be adjusted to make space for different-sized devices, as well as different-sized heads. Also, the Merge VR comes with lenses that can be adjusted to accommodate the distance between your eyes, which varies from person to person, and if you want to interact with a virtual reality app, game o...